Sunday, October 2, 2011

sunday shoes still rocking

It's been way too long. Seasons have changed since the last pair of Sunday Shoes graced the blog. However, please note that the beauties below now live in my closet and debuted themselves at Graduation. ...they let me graduate...I took boards-PASSED...and now have a job. Check.

Moving on to no longer being a student, having a new job, new place to live and new chapter in life. I love these shoes. I am still on a Poetic Licence kick, but why not when they bring these kicks to the table. Although rain is not always my favorite form of weather, these...Rainmaker...I would wear any day of the week.

Here's what I need...these shoes in my closet...then later a hott date (you know who you are) to take me out so I can wear them.

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