Monday, March 15, 2010

Heyo People!!! I apologize for the extreme lack of opinions, humor, and love for shoes that has taken over the blog. Do know that I have not forgotten about handful of you that read my random thoughts. I very much appreciate each of you and the comments you've given me. It made my entire week to know that my thoughts about Idol, random facts about my life, and of course...Sunday Shoes were missed. I have missed sharing all of these with you!

So the latest in my life...I had my first day of level 1 pediatric fieldwork, and I LOVED it! So I'm getting to spend the week in K-town playing with kids and catching up with friends that I so dearly miss. Here are some of my favorite things about Knoxvegas...

1. The Sunsphere
2. ridiculous amount of Power Ts on cars
3. seeing the color orange everywhere
4. Aubreys
5. McKays
6. Steamboat
7. the new Hobby Lobby in Turkey Creek
8. hanging out with the fam
9. rockband at Emily's
10. watching Idol and The Office with really great people
11. (last but definitely NOT least) The House Neyland Built

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