Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Shoes

Fall is almost here. I cannot wait. To smell crisp air in the morning. To wear closed toed shoes. To wear jeans and a t-shirt. To sit and read outside without dripping sweat. I can almost feel it. The mornings are cooling off and fall is slowly but surely creeping in. Bringing with it, lots of opportunities to kick aside those sandals and throw on some real fun shoes.

I'm thinking with the right dress or jeans, these could complete an outfit. Love them or hate them, they are simply adorable. Thank you Antropologie. Hats off to you and your Peppermint Swirl Spectators.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

{to the greatest dog}

If all dogs really do go to heaven, then heaven got a great one today. Meet Hershey. Thus far in life, she most definitely has been the best Christmas present I have received. She showed up as nothing but a huge fur ball sporting a red bow the size of her whole body.

She grew up way too fast as puppies always do, but brought with her nothing but joy. For ten and a half years Hershey has brought us smiles and laughter. She was such a smart dog...always getting Chopper, but mostly Buddy, into trouble. Quite the instigator. But none the less, just as great.

I could always count on her to be waiting for me when I got home. Nose between the fence, tail wagging, anxious to be let inside so she could jump, kiss, and welcome me properly. She always knew me. Even after being gone for years at school. If anything, the greetings only got better. She knew when I was coming and was always sad to see me leave.

We miss you Hersh. You were far more than anyone could hope for in a dog. Be good. Love you always.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Shoes

In honor of the first flag football game for team VICTORIOUS are some cleats. Yes, pink cleats. A must have for the fall flag football season. It's GAME DAY!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

his dreams became ours

Welcome to Hogwarts, the place where the dreams of Harry Potter can be yours. Universal Studios really did an amazing job putting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter together. If they offered housing, I would move there yesterday and never come back. Incredible. We ate every flavour beans, drank butterbeer, fought dragons, rode brooms, and embraced all Harry Potter had to offer. If there was every a day I wanted to be a kid forever, it was at the Harry Potter theme park. Purchasing a membership that allows access anytime you want, is necessary.

Here it is...the long awaited Hogwarts. Oh. My. Goodness. Was it everything I hoped and dreamed? No, it was more. I must not tell lies. Hogwarts was truly amazing. Every detail was there. From the towers of Hogwarts castle to the potions classroom to Moaning Myrtle in the bathrooms. They were all there. If you haven't purchased your ticket to go yet, do it. Now.

House points!! Naturally, Gryffindor is in the lead. And yes, I left with Gryffindor apparel. My bank account is still recovering, but completely worth it.

Got Butterbeer?! We did. Thoughts were not great about the butterbeer before trying it. How could it really be good we all thought. Question no more...the butterbeer was worth the drive. And I would make the drive again, just to have a nice refreshing glass. I'm still trying to perfect exactly how to make my own butterbeer. More to come.

Of course we could not leave without trying Every Flavour Beans! And yes, they had every flavor. They were good, they were terrible, but most definitely worth trying once. Here is the list of not so great flavours we had: bacon, laundry detergent, dirt, grass, and vomit.
If you are in need of a vacay, pack your bags and head south. Go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, fight dragons, fly a broom, drink butterbeer, and eat jelly beans. Say hello for me and send pictures. Most importantly, have the time of your life living in a world we all wish were real.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

At halftime of the UT vs. Oregon game yesterday, I was ready to post a pair of adorable orange shoes. But by the end of the game...I had to rethink this. I still love my team, no doubt about that. However, today might not be the best day to showcase how great they are. I would love to be in Tennessee right now, enjoying the nice fall weather, which brings me to admiring these cute little boots. Charleston, unfortunately, is calling for a much less exciting boot...rainboots. Thank you Igor and hurricane season.